Introduction to Linear Regression: Cost Function

October 29, 2014

Cost Function (Method I)

For calculating the cost in linear regression, typically we use Sum of Squared Error method(SSE)

\(\ J(\theta) = \frac{1}{2m}\sum_{i=1}^m{(h(x^{(i)})-{y^{(i)}})^2}\)

The goal is to minimize \(\ J(\theta)\) and figure out \(\ \theta\) values corresponding to the minimum cost. There are several optimization algorithms used to achieve this.

Introduction to Linear Regression: Polynomial Regression

October 26, 2014

Polynomial Regression

This form of regression is used to fit more complex functions and this is a general concept not restricted to linear regression, but also used commonly in classification algorithms such as Logistic Regression and Neural Networks as well. I hope to talk about it in detail in a future post. For now take a look at the following scatter plot.

Introduction to Linear Regression: A Machine Learning Approach

October 7, 2014

Supervised Learning is a form of learning in which we use known data with actual outputs from past experiences to model a relationship and this model is used to predict future outcomes. The known data used to build up the model is called 'training data'.

To build a supervised learning model we need,
  1. Training Data
  2. Hypothesis
  3. Cost Function
  4. Optimization method for Minimization